Troubleshooting - Shopify Widget Issues
By default, a small percentage of Shopify themes ('Dawn' is the most common) don't play well with Noteworthy Chatbots. The theme's styling conflicts with the widget and screws it up.
Common side effects of this issue is that text is aligned incorrectly, you can't type in the chat box, etc.
Thankfully, the fix is simple.
In your Shopify Admin Back end,
Select Online Store > Themes.
Click Customize.
Click Theme settings.
Click Custom CSS.
Add the code below and click Save.
.chat {
text-align: left !important;
}.sc-user-input--text:focus-visible {
box-shadow: none !important;
}.sc-user-input--text {
display: block !important;
We've tested this code fix with the problematic Shopify themes we're aware of, and in those cases the code above resolved the problem.